....As long as we stick to it long enough!
~Helen Keller
You know its so funny to get ready (you and the kids) for the first day of school! In preparation, the kids are not thrilled about giving up summer, but as we go to the School Open Houses, start to write down the list of things they are going to need in their classes, you know, folders, pencils, highlighters, pens, protractor, and boxes of tissues (why the need for 3 boxes for the first day I will never know) Then you begin to see a little glitter of excitement in the kids eyes. Off we go to get to school supplies, of course for THEM it is totally cool because they are running into their friends that they haven't seen in 3 months and we --- well, we are bumping carts -- politely smiling and thinking "WHY IN THE WORLD DO THEY SCHEDULE OPEN HOUSES ON FRIDAYS!!!" hehehe But we manage and get the supplies, with the right colored folders, and 1" binders, 14 boxes of pencils (because each class had it written down) and of course don't forget the brand NEW glue sticks! (You already have 27 of them here from the previous years, but you know they GOTTA be new!!!) My focus is to get to that Expedition as quickly as possible, while Lauren and Tyler are jabbering 90 to nothing about how they are going to organize their NEW school supplies... ans as I was driving home I began to think "THAT'S IT!" NEW!! We all need NEW!! To get motivated, to get excited, to get the sparkle back-- NEW!
So today (after a looong nite of -- "KIDS!!!! it's 9pm you better get to sleep!! ---- KIDS, 7am is going to be here soon... KIDS!! --- If I have to come upstairs, you are going to wish (wellll you get the idea) They were READY! Dressed, breakfast eaten, backpacks ready, all organized, hair washed, and brushed and even no reminders on BRUSHING their teeth! BUT of course they spent all week to decide what NEW outfit they were going to wear! and they were looking GOOD! I decided right then, we ALL need NEW! No matter what and in my situation it was attacking my office and setting up a NEW system, moving the desk and my over sized chairs to new positions. Putting my rolodex and other desk items in a NEW spot. Filing my paperwork in a NEW filing system (that I bought in the middle of the summer thinking this would be perfect) and VIOLA! It's all NEW and I am ready to go!
Sometimes we need to make some changes that give us that new feeling that gives us that EXCITEMENT we need to get "Re-motivated" and it can be something as simple as changing what you are looking at day in and day out to something "New..." Think of it this way, you may have to try and remember where you filed somethings, but in the long run, you will sit back take a look --- smile and feel like you are ready to jump on the opportunities this business you are running, or this life you are running (which is a HUGE business in itself) are waiting to give each and every one of us! Sure... we will get back into our routine, much like the newness of the first day of school, but the point is that it gets you going again! It gets you back in the saddle, and back in some sort of schedule mode....
What's the newest thing you have done?
Until we Blog Again!
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