Monday, September 17, 2007


Well whether you have been to my Blog site before or not, there are changes DAILY as I am learning the things that I can add on to it! For Instance.. have you all ever heard of YOUTUBE? another my children have introduced me to! And I admit, it is ADDICTING! But so is this Blog, I can see for me this is going to be WAY too much fun.. I have so many stories to share, FUNNY, motivating, some may even have some tears!

Take the time to navigate through and see all the things I have added (and I am sure it's not done yet! like me, a work in progress) I even have a poll! Lets see what the results are!

I also want to say the videos from YOUTUBE that I have requested are "Things that entertain me.. Bloopers, Kids, and Gospel Choirs! I do not hand pick these videos, so if something comes up that you go "OH MY GOOOTNESSS" forgive me! I have tested it, and so far so good, but you nevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver know!

Send the link to you friends and family! I promise it will be a good "entertainment" blog!

Another Blog Coming soon! Thank you for your patience - pretty soon it will be close to perfect! The picture you see is United in Praise! Some of you have seen us some may not - I will keep you posted! THAT is a Blog in itself!

Until We Blog Again!


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